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Thribe-X's Undergraduate small group

Undergraduate small group

NextGen Small group is fortified to empower undergraduates to achieve academic excellence, maximize the opportunities and resources available at this phase of life. You'd also get insights into effective time management strategies, study techniques, and networking tips; self and purpose discovery, setting smart goals, and overall personal development.

More Information

Are you an undergraduate student seeking a community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of university life? Look no further! Welcome to NextGen, where we come together to support, inspire, and empower one another on our academic journeys.

Being an undergraduate can be a lot!!! The good, the bad and the ugly as well as factors that pose to be antagonistic rather than supportive. It's a phase in life where one has to juggle things like relationships, faith, life, finance, purpose, commitments, etc with academics and still make headway with expectations of success from friends and family.

Whether you're navigating challenging coursework, seeking study strategies, or exploring career paths, our community is here to support you. Engage in peer discussions, share insights, and access valuable resources to excel in your studies and make the most of your educational opportunities.

NextGen is a community where the undergraduate struggles are understood and mitigating measures are meted out to help emerge victorious so your undergraduate days don't leave you 'on-the-ground'.

For further enquiries, kindly send us a mail at or leave us a message on our social media pages.

picture of a believer reading the Bible

Registrations are officially closed for this semester!!!

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